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Clod was a simple green bean. He came from a humble background as a memecoin salesman. Upon discovering that people had already bought other memes, a devastated Clod changed his life’s direction and moved onto another career… that of a bloodthirsty, copycat, memecoin serial killer. But before he could embark on his newfound quest for blood and carnage, he had to choose a serial killer to embody. Instead of choosing one, he chose three.
Clod pondered and pondered. He wanted chads to feel the ultimate fear before their mascot’s demise and so he had a brilliant idea: he chose to take the three most terrifying and infamous of all the horror genre’s villains and combine them into one persona. He began by driving to Texas, found Leatherface from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, stole his chainsaw, and swiftly killed him with it. Next, he sought out Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th, brutally murdered him with the still bloody chainsaw, and stole his hockey mask (not wanting to be doxxed). Lastly, he traveled to Nightmare on Elm Street, took a nap, and slaughtered Freddy Krueger in his dreams, taking his razor-sharp, clawed glove in the process.
Pleased with his success, and armed with the tools needed to perform his wicked deeds, he began to murder all the memes who would dare claim to have greater upside than him. He now roams the blockchain, going from project to project on an unstoppable killing spree. Thus he manages to find himself quite busy as the bull market progresses and victim memes fall one by one at his feet. To this day, he still hates other memes but loves murder.